Our Philosophy

(Extract - a full copy is available here)  We are a warm, caring, and family-oriented preschool that is committed to providing exceptional care and education to every child in a loving environment.

Since 1991, Jasmine Preschool has been supporting families in the Hawkesbury with pride, honouring and preserving our culture and heritage across generations. It always has and always will start with our relationships- “Caring Hearts, Growing Minds”

Here are our key attributes that underpin our Philosophy-

We’re for providing Exceptional Care and Education in a fun and loving environment.

 We’re for the Magic of Childhood, providing inclusive, kind, and supportive environments where children feel loved and safe to connect, play, and discover the wonders of their world.

We’re for Safety, reassurance for parents by taking steps to limit accidents, illnesses, and injuries, while encouraging children to build self belief through their success.

We’re for Lifelong Learning, providing a play-based curriculum that cultivates a love of learning and development through enriching small group environments that feel safe and support exploration, comprehension, and risk-taking.

 We’re for Children, where they are recognized as individuals with valuable views and interests, ensuring that they feel noticed, heard, and understood.

 We’re for Families, working together in partnership to support consistency between home and preschool, valuing family involvement and seeking to be flexible and responsive to their suggestions and input.

We’re for Community and Inclusion, fostering a sense of belonging and responsibility, respect for our environment and one another, and promoting positive, supportive relationships.


We are privileged to positively contribute to each child’s early years; fostering resilience, confidence, a sense of self, and to laying the foundations for a bright future.